山口県萩市のグリーンツーリズムby 萩市ふるさとツーリズム推進協議会
FURUSATO CYCLING【Sake, from field to brewery】
A guided E-bike tour which explores the rich nature of Hagi with the keywords living, industry, and the history of the town. Experience the sustainable activities passed down the generations in this region.Japan's first guided cycling tour with the theme of sake in the rural landscape.Local sake-making, in which farmers and breweries work together.
全国でも人気が高まる萩の日本酒づくり -SAKE- をテーマに、E-bikeで地域を巡ります。原料の酒米や水、酒蔵、さらには酒米を磨く(削る)「とう精工場」の貴重な見学など、Made in HAGIな酒づくりのストーリーと農村地域をゆっくり堪能します。